Monday, March 28, 2011

Barak Obama

Noam Chomsky: ‘President Obama Is Involved In War Crimes Right Now’

What are your thoughts on President Obama?
He’s involved in war crimes right now. For example, targeted assassinations are war crimes. That’s escalated quite sharply under Obama. If you look at WikiLeaks, there are a lot of examples of attacks on civilians. 

An urgent letter to Mr. Obama from a very poor Libyan guy
Mr. Obama and his allies claimed that they need to impose democracy in the Arab world; however, themselves they use forces against Arab regimes. My question to Mr. Obama and other is how do you need to see democracy while you are using forces against others. How do you protect civilians while you are bombing civilians, do you mean particular civilians, for example those who oppose the government and who carry guns against their government? Yes!
I know you should protect them because they will help you to get rid of Gaddafi! But, remember that there are other Libyans who support the regime in different areas along the 1,760,000 KM. I think you have been misled by those who have an interest in the region. What I do believe is that neither you nor other western leaders can remove Gaddafi from power because we do believe that the Libyan leader is still have full support from a great number of his people. If you do not know this fact then use your CIA intelligent agents to find out more about my country, but be careful do not always trust them and you need to learn lessons from your previous friend Mr. Bush. I think he may offer you some advice, but use your mind as well to avoid any bad experience from his advice, you know he has put your country in chaos, I mean economically!

Obama should be impeached for Libya war

March 22 — To the Editor:
On Saturday, March 19, President Barack Obama committed a crime, which requires his immediate impeachment. Invoking authorization from the Arab League and the United Nations, Obama ordered an attack on Libya.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution is unequivocal — the power to declare war rests solely with the United Sates Congress, and can only legitimately be used when the United States is under attack or faces an imminent threat. The civil war in Libya does not meet these standards.
The first article of impeachment should list Obama's violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution. The second article should address his treason against the United States. Obama acted under the direction of a group of foreign diplomats. He did not seek approval from the American people by going before Congress to seek authorization. In essence, Obama is acting as an agent of foreign governments, not as the president of the United States.
Obama has put members of our military at risk. He has committed scarce resources to a conflict that is of no vital interest to the United States. More importantly, his random use of force is illegal and immoral.
The Nobel committee must be aghast that a preemptive Peace Prize was awarded to a man who has now revealed himself as a war criminal.
Dan Davis

Ralph Nader: Obama ‘Should Be Impeached’ For ‘Committing War Crimes’

Frequent candidate for President Ralph Nader is back on the scene and proves, at the very least, he is consistent with his viewpoint. Arguing that President George W. Bush and Dick Cheneywere war criminals and then claiming that the Obama administration continues to engage in the same activity, Nader made the logical deduction that President Obama must also be a war criminal who should be impeached.
Do you think our leaders should leave the


Do you agree with me that Iraqis live in chaos, danger and instability? Do you agree with me that Iraqis had better live during Saddam’s regime? They told us that they will bring peace and democracy to Iraqis before they had invaded Iraq in 2003, but what they gave Iraqis is poverty, insecurity, and increase in new born defects. They also gave them disunity as they created different groups that we never heard of as they were living together peacefully in Iraq. This is the democracy from the western perspectives, but in fact they are caring about our oil, not our people. Despite the fact that the situation is getting worse in some of Arab countries it is even much worse when the regime is forcing to step down or when foreign forces start bumping our countries and of course civilians will be targeted whom they claim they need to protect. Do you think we forgot what has happened in Abu Ghraib prison which is totally against human rights and which cannot be happened if America and its allies were not in Iraq! The western leaders have some interest in these countries either to protect Israel like the situation in Egypt or looking for cheaper black gold like the situation in Iraq yesterday and Libya today. We, Arab people in the world, are looking for stability, security, and living in peace with our neighbors, Muslims and non-Muslims. It is frustrating and annoying to see others who have absolutely no idea of what is going on in our country and who seems that they do not need to learn lessons from their bloody experience elsewhere in the world and who have made our piece of land a place to hold and feed terrorist groups because of their bad actions against our people. I think our own people who lose one of their loved ones; indeed they will turn to be suicide bombers target against those countries. It is frustrating to see those who are not caring about us, but they do care of our natural sources that we have as a gift from God, trying to show us their kindness which is absolutely not true. I cannot imagine that there is one person on this earth believes this big lie, but the truth is that we are not welcomed by western governments if we oppose their policies! I am inviting Mr. Barak Obama, who delivered a very welcomed speech by Muslims, but not anymore, to consider our concerns as Muslims who have the right to live as a human without threatening us, without threatening our elderly, without threatening our children, and without using bombs while we are in the 21st century. Do you think we do not have the right to live peacefully? 

Farrakhan defends 'brother' Gaddafi

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan defended Muammar Gaddafi, calling the embattled Libyan leader a friend and Muslim brother who had lent the movement €5.6m over the years. Mr Farrakhan, speaking at a rare news conference in Chicago, railed against the media and said Gaddafi was not the monster portrayed by Western governments. The 78-year-old minister criticised the US government and President Barack Obama – whom he also called a brother – for launching military action against Libya without justification. He accused Americans of wanting Gaddafi out of the picture to secure oil interests.

“I love Muammar Gaddafi and I love our president,” Mr Farrakhan told several hundred cheering supporters at the Nation of Islam’s headquarters. “It grieves me to see my brother president set a policy that would remove this man not only from power, but from the earth.” Mr Obama has defended America’s military involvement in Libya, saying the US has intervened to prevent a slaughter of civilians. Mr Farrakhan portrayed Gaddafi as a fellow revolutionary and long-time friend to the Nation of Islam, which used £1.9 million it borrowed from Libya in the 1970s to acquire its opulent headquarters on Chicago’s South Side. Years later, a £3 million loan was used to pay back taxes and costs for the home of the movement’s former leader Elijah Muhammad.

Mr Farrakhan has publicly defended Gaddafi at several recent events, including the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day convention in February and at a civil rights convention last week. He said the US government should not be attacking Libya when it had stayed out of other conflicts around the world and called for a cease-fire on both sides in Libya and a chance for the Libyan people to vote on whether Gaddafi should stay in power.He dismissed allegations that Gaddafi had violently cracked down on his own people, saying the Libyan leader was “killing traitors”.

“Do you really think that Brother Gaddafi really was going to slaughter 700,000 people?” Mr Farrakhan said. “If that were true ... where are all the bodies?” “I don’t care what Gaddafi has done wrong, he is not the ’mad dog of the Middle East’,” he said, a reference to the label former President Ronald Reagan once gave Gaddafi. Mr Farrakhan said he originally called the news conference to warn the country about a huge earthquake that he had foreseen, cautioning that Americans “are worse prepared than the Japanese”. 


  1. My comments is that Obama is again involved in another war crime right now by killing innocents Libyans civilians under the protection of 1973 resolution of security council. What a shame on you Mr. Obama who was seen as peace lover during the election time, by the way you must return your peace price because you are not deserved such great price.

  2. Barack Obama has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace 2009. This was not a surprise for his deeds calling for a peaceful world. The American people are very optimistic about his arrival to the White House, however, today we see Obama’s directions to implicate the U.S. in a new unknown results’’ war in north Africa (Libya). I would say time is not too late to Obama to offset everything including the Libyan disaster. We ask Obama to get the truth about this crisis and the formation of a fact-finding committees and resolve this crisis peacefully
